August 13, 2008

Memory Lane

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


jon and whit said...

i remember once when we were down there, you were having a party at your house (i think it mighta been for a dance?) & you had beads hanging down from the doorways & i thought that was the coolest thing ever!! (i think i was like 6 haha) and i remember going to help you ask that guy to the christmas dance and i had to go up to the door to deliver the balloons (was i dressed like an elf or something??) & then some of the fam went to the dance with you guys - which was kinda weird but maybe it's a Bicknell thing... sorry this is way long! love ya!!

marie said...

I remember when I first met you and your fam I was so confused by the whole "same name thing" that I didn't call you by name for probably the first two or three time that we got together:)We will always have RatRace!!

Kandice said...

I remember breaking into your room in college when I lived below you - you were sleeping and I jumped on top of you. Becky and I started tickling the back of your legs! You were laughing so hard you couldn't even be mad... haha! Love ya

Richard and Teona said...

I love remembering our trip to NYC. What a great vacation and lots of great memories!! Hope you know how special you are to your Mom. Love ya

Mother Lori said...

Your mom stole my memory but honestly our trip to NY was completely awesome and I will always treasure the memories and the fun that we had. I'd say it is time to do it again!!

Love ya,

Maureen said...

Well, let's see. oh the Mapleview day's; hiking a finding a dead guy has to be at the top; Capital Reef with Beck, Stac, Theron; Jackson Hole; Apples; Vegas, Vegas, Vegas; Divorce parties, Camping on Monte with the bears, moving divorcee's out of there apt. Wow!!! You are amazing!! Oh the momories!!!!!!

The Reimers Family said...

Countless times of sitting in our living room laughing about random things or odd roomies! Also, "You're going to wake up Teona!!"

Greg and Lisa said...

Gosh, which one do I pick since most of my childhood/teenage years were with you. Well, one of my favorites is when you and I would record ourselves singing on cassette tape to Wilson Phillips, "I believe the Children are our future" (not sure who sings that one), and many more songs that don't come to mind right now and then dancing to backstreet boys and choosing which one of them we "loved", and then of course having nearly everyone of our favoite songs and movies be the same. We have great taste! I really could go on and on, because of course there was our awesome skittle moment when we put as many skittles as we could possibly fit in our mouths while we were camping and a truck came and asked us for directions and our mouths were so full of skittles that we couldn't even answer them and all we did was look at them and laugh....hope they found their destination! I just love you! We need to make more memories! Lis